
发表时间:2020 - 09 - 17 
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Refiner Name

Third-Party Audit based on ISAE 3000

Management report

July 2019

Company Name:

Inner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Company Limited.


East of Yuan Jing Er Road, Ruyi Development Zone, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China.

Reporting year-end:

December 31, 2019

Date of Report


Senior management responsible for this report

Mr. Xiaofeng Xing, Vice GM, 714151083@qq.com


Assurance team’s professional qualifications;

Team Leader:                   Qualifications:

Team Member:                   Qualifications:

Henry TENG

LBMA Qualified Auditor




Independence and competency statement

In conducting our engagement, we have complied with the applicable requirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants.

In conducting our engagement, we confirm that we satisfy the criteria for assurance providers as set out in out in the Audit Guidance to carry out the assurance engagement.


The assurance scope and level of assurance:

We were engaged by [Inner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Company Limited.] to provide reasonable assurance on its Refiner’s Compliance Report for the year ended [31 December 2019].

The assurance scope consists of the Refiner’s Compliance Report.


Summary of assurance procedures:

Assurance procedures are designed by the auditor based on the output of the auditor’s planning and risk assessment, which is unique for each engagement. Risks are considered when there exists a reasonable possibility of a material misstatement in the disclosures in the Refiner’s Compliance Report. It is therefore not possible to prescribe the assurance procedures that should be performed (or the sample sizes to be selected). Some example assurance activities are provided in the LBMA Third Party Audit Guidance Master, Appendix 3.


Any significant or inherent limitations or areas not covered:

There were no significant or inherent limitations or areas not covered that were within the assessment scope.


Assurance observations, findings and recommendations for improvement:

No non-compliance finding raised during this assurance.



Specific observations with respect to the Refiner’s Corrective Action Plan and implementation progress;

Please list here any specific observations with respect to the Refiner’s Corrective Action Plan and implementation progress.


Assurance conclusion 

Please refer to the conclusion within the independent assurance report


Countries of Origin Annex for mined and recycled Precious Metal including the amounts (Kgs.) received from each origin

Please, see the attached file


Other relevant information

No special relevant information provide here




[             图片1.png          ]

[Bureau Veritas]


[Huhhot, China]




The Auditors confirm that:

ü The information provided by the Refiner is true and accurate to the best knowledge of the Auditor(s) preparing this report.


ü The findings are based on verified Objective Evidence relevant to the time period for the assessment, traceable and unambiguous.


ü The Auditor(s) have acted in a manner deemed ethical, truthful, accurate professional, independent and objective.


ü The Auditor(s) are properly qualified to carry out the assessment at this Refiner’s facility.


Lead Auditor: Henry TENG





Date: Apr.17/2020